Legal notes


The personal data submitted through the forms on this website will be managed, both electronically and manually, in accordance with all appropriate security measures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the data solely for the purpose of responding in the best possible way to any requests we receive.

The data indicated as mandatory are necessary to process information requests and without them, we would not be able to provide a response.

The processed data will not be disclosed to third parties without the prior authorization of the data subject.

The data subject may at any time be informed of their personal data in our possession and how it is used; they may request the deletion, transformation into anonymous form, or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well as the updating, rectification, or, if desired, the integration of the data. They may also object to the processing itself.

Only with the consent of the data subject will the data be used also for statistical analysis and market research and for sending commercial information about the products and promotional initiatives of Acovent S.r.l. Via Cavour 81/83 20030 - Senago (MI) - Italy.

The Data Controller to whom the data subject can refer to exercise their rights is CARCANO BERNARDO Via Cavour 81/83 20030 - Senago (MI) - Italy. At the end of the form, the data subject can grant or deny consent to the processing of data for statistical analysis and market research and for sending commercial information about the products and promotional initiatives of Acovent S.r.l. The owner of the site is:

CARCANO BERNARDO P.IVA 05867770157 - Codice REA n. Imprese di Vicenza, REA MI-1044893 e-mail: website: